How and Why You Need To Meditate!

How and Why You Need To Meditate!

More and more people are advertising the benefits of meditation, and it is safe to say most people would have tried it once or twice. But, have you really given it a good go and truly experienced what may be termed ‘life changing benefits’? Adding meditation into your...
Tummy Time

Tummy Time

Tummy Time Watching your little one accomplish milestones can be such a heartwarming experience, and as a parent you want nothing more than to see your little one flourish. Tummy time is such an important way to help encourage their brains and bodies to develop...
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) effects 12%–21% of Australian reproductive-age women, being more common among those who are overweight. And it is estimated a whopping 70% of Australian women with PCOS remain undiagnosed (March W 2010.) PCOS is a hormonal condition,...
Screen Time – What is it doing to our kids?

Screen Time – What is it doing to our kids?

Hi everyone, 2 weeks ago I attended and presented at the New Zealand Chiropractors Association annual conference on communication, I loved it. But what struck me was the message that we received from Professor Wayne Warburton on the significant effects of screen time...
Don’t Shoot The Messenger

Don’t Shoot The Messenger

Where the pain is and where the problem is are often different. Did the issue or pain start with a sudden blow or sudden onset? Then that is likely to be the location of the traumatised, damaged tissue.  Was the force of the blow significant enough to reasonably...
Stress stress and more stress!

Stress stress and more stress!

Stress, Stress and More Stress!! Stress, it is one of those things that we as humans tend to pride ourselves on. But why? Stress can be good sometimes, like if we are exercising, or have a test. But most of the time we stress too much and it can be detrimental for our...
Fix your posture – fix your health!

Fix your posture – fix your health!

A couple of weeks ago I spoke about how posture can affect our health. If you haven’t read that post yet click here. This post will allow you to develop a good understanding as to why our posture is so important and serve as a base for you to use the advice below....
Posture – It’s more important than you think!

Posture – It’s more important than you think!

It’s no surprise that we love harping on about your posture, but we promise it’s for a good reason. You can probably remember your mum or dad always telling you to ‘sit up straight’ or ‘stop slouching’! Well, they may have not even been aware, but they were doing...
Coffee: is it good or bad for you?

Coffee: is it good or bad for you?

Lets start by saying…  “coffee doesn’t have to be bad for you”. In fact – like red wine, chocolate and sleep – your morning cup of black gold can be both oh-so-good and good for you. The caffeine coffee contains stimulates the brain and nervous system, and may lower...